When a loser/hater sees a winner winning, his first and only reaction is to deem the winner's winning 'unfair,' simply because the loser is unwilling to focus his anger and scrutiny where it really belongs--on HIMSELF.
If the loser would dare look past the winner's surface and consider the possibility that the winner is winning as a result of hard work, mental discipline and perseverance, he might learn something. But the loser/hater doesn't (or is unable to), and thus he remains a loser and a hater, doomed to stand on the sidelines complaining about how only the jerks get girls, how nice guys always finish last, etc., for the rest of his impotent life.
I used to feel the way that losers feel, viscerally, every time I would see a winner winning. Like a knee-jerk reflex. Then, one day, I asked myself: "Why do I feel this way when these people don't affect me whatsoever?" Of course, I had to admit to myself that there was only one answer--jealousy. From that day forward, I made a point to laud the winners when they won, and--most importantly--to try to learn from their example. To get insight into their frame of mind.
And that was when something crazy began to happen--I started to win too.
Nowadays, when I hear of Donald Trump cutting another multi-million dollar deal? P. Diddy hitting another success with his clothing line? Jay-Z having another hit album? Some celebrity/athlete bedding a gorgeous starlet? I say good for them, they deserve it. And then I visualize myself riding the same winning mentality that they possess, and my life continues on its upward climb. A concept that the lazy losers/haters standing on the sidelines will never--and don't deserve to---understand.
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