Eliot, Eliot, Eliot... you just couldn't control your urges, could you?
I can kind of see why Eliot Spitzer would be the guy to end up in this predicament - ridiculously hard-working, kind of a hothead, passionate about everything he does, and probably stressed out all of the time. Still, I am very sorry to see a man who I did and still do hold a lot of respect for facing the end of his political career.
When hypocritical, closet-gay, Republican freaks get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, I celebrate. When a good guy like Eliot gets caught doing something he shouldn't have, well, it doesn't benefit anyone (outside of the closet-gay Republican freaks).
I can understand wanting to blow off a little steam, have a little fun, etc. - believe me, I've been there before (and probably will again). Still, I mean if you knew it might possibly destroy your career, wouldn't you use a little self-restraint? Internet porn, perhaps?
On a side note, this is just another reminder to me of how ridiculous this country's 'holier-than-thou' view of prostitution really is. Now people are going to view Spitzer as some sort of two-bit criminal, when what he was doing wasn't even so immoral.
Years ago I was a driver for an escort agency based out of NYC (which later got busted, some time after I left). I was basically a sub-pimp/bodyguard for the girls I drove - I took fees, roughed up customers, threatened girls and customers, bought/sold drugs for myself and the girls, etc.
After dealing with that atmosphere, I swore that prostitution was illegal for good reason. The girls were all on drugs, the customers were, for the most part, a bunch of weirdos (had a few ask my girls if they could pay extra to have me AND her), and there was just too much sleaziness to handle. I felt like there was no way that a female could get caught up in that environment without incurring serious damage to her state of mind (that's if she wasn't already fucked-up to begin with).
Now, fast forward a few years after that, when I found myself in Japan after joining the military. After one of my Japanese friends took me to what was basically a NEIGHBORHOOD full of whorehouses in a big Japanese city which will remain nameless, I was shocked to see how smoothly the industry can be run when it's not illegal (or rather, just semi-legal like it is in Japan).
The girls were drop-dead gorgeous, normal, the prices were fixed, and the whole operation was just effortless. Naturally, of course the girls were always wary to take in a foreigner since they said, not surprisingly, foreigners by far cause the most problems - haggling prices, being stinking dirty, wanting to do weird sexual shit, etc.
I think we here in the U.S. need to entertain the possibility that perhaps the reason we can't pull something like that off here is not because of our 'superior morals' or our 'Christian character,' but rather because half the country is on DRUGS and/or dysfunctional, and thus can't handle such an service industry which requires us to no t be nuts.
And so what the Japanese girls I knew were selling their bodies for Louis Vuitton purses and Chanel shoes - sounds a whole lot better to me than selling your ass for crack or heroin, like most of my girls here in New York were doing (and would still be doing even if prostitution were legalized).
I just can't help but laugh at this country and its warped sense of morality sometimes. What else can you do?
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