Damn! I can't stand the feeling of regret afterwards, of not having talked to a girl when I had the chance. Like Edwin Torres said in "Carlito's Way" - "When I think of all the fine trim I let slip through my hands, God damn!!"
Today coming home from school on the train I ended up across from a Japanese chick who was so up my alley - bright-colored heels with jeans, designer bag, that hairstyle where they curl the ends that drives me nuts like in the photo above. I sat the entire time trying to formulate a way to say something - not that I'm afraid (that's never, ever my problem), but because there were no open seats next to her and I didn't feel like carrying on a conversation from across the car and making us a spectacle (J-chicks are especially sensitive to this).
On top of it all, I'm almost positive she took a picture of me! First she was playing with her cellphone. After that, she took out what looked like another cellphone with a digicam and pointed it at me when she thought I was reading my newspaper, and I saw the little rear 'photo light' go off (which Japanese cellphones have to discourage perverts, or 'chikans,' from taking photos of girls on the train without them realizing it).
Anyway, such a lame feeling, when you let one slip away that is so your type. Of course the odds of me actually getting anywhere with her even if I had talked to her are an entirely different matter. But at least I wouldn't have this feeling of regret.
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